Change your perception

From obstacles on the path, see the opportunities

It is possible to experience situations without becoming emotionally spent. This does not mean that you have to become cold or insensitive towards what is happening around you. It is a question of living through situations without burying oneself in them. If you drown in them you will not be able to help anybody, not even yourself. You will be lost like a shipwreck at the mercy of the waves. You will have lost control over the helm of your boat, your life.

The question lies in knowing what the strategy is in order to learn to live through situations without them determining your emotional and mental state. It is about living without allowing circumstances to create that unhappiness, stress, suffering, sadness, frustration and anger in your life.

To achieve this, first you should change your interpretation. Instead of seeing the fact as an obstruction, interference or barrier on your path, interpret it as an opportunity to grow. You might find it easier if you ask yourself, for example: what has this situation taught me? What signals is it giving me? Watch and listen before immediately reacting. Out of observation and listening you can have a more objective and wider perception.

Reality in itself does not cause stress, pain or unhappiness. Our perception and interpretation of reality causes these reactions. Therefore, we have to revise how we perceive situations and with what beliefs we interpret and judge them.

Reinterpreting the situation, the specific reality, means allowing the old perception to die to make room for a new vision. If the old does not die, the new cannot be correctly built.

Instead of seeing people or situations as obstacles on the path, you can see them as opportunities. They offer you the possibility of stopping and observing yourself; of practising patience and tolerance; of improving your listening; of being grateful and loving. They give you the opportunity to detach yourself and stand at a healthy distance in order to see objectively. They help you to reconsider your objectives. They allow you to extend your ability to cooperate and expand your heart so that you are more generous.

To have a wider perception and not drown in the situation, you can position yourself in a better way. If you stabilize yourself in self-respect, in maintaining your self-esteem and a healthy distance (not necessarily physical, more to do with not letting the situation absorb you), you will be able to have an eagle’s view. From above, everything looks smaller. It is much easy to get over something small. You can.

Whatever happens, it is important to always be aware that you create your thoughts and you allow the images of the situations you experience to have a greater or lesser impact within you, depending on how you internalise it. Learn to create thoughts full of love, courage, trust and determination. Those thoughts charged with positive energy will help you to allow each situation to happen, to really overcome it and leave it behind, for it not to stay alive in your thoughts or your memory.

With the power of a mind that creates thoughts full of good and concentrated energy, wherever you go, you will create a pleasant atmosphere. Your vibrations will emanate and will create spaces and situations full of beauty, trust and tranquillity, spaces where all those entering into it will let down their defences and connect again with the authenticity of their being

Miriam Subirana

About the Author

Miriam Subirana from Spain is a cloumnist with THE INQUIRER. She is Director of YESOUSI. International Centre for Creativity, Spirituality and coaching. She is the author of 5 books and a  Coach and Professor on Spiritual Intelligence.

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