Monthly Archive: February 2012
Practice television news bulletin, PU Exclusive produced by MA Mass Communication students, Pondicherry University in a Broadcast journalism training workshop in February 2012 under the guidance of Nupur Basu and Radhika Khanna.
A series on the scenic beauty of Munnar, Kerala. [soliloquy id=”2397″]
[soliloquy id=”2371″] To know in detail how tea is produced, read more at A cup of tea brimming with legacy and mysteries Photos: Rishna
Dept. of Anthropology is conducting a weekly seminar on the topic. “Modern Technology and Anthropology: Meanings, Observations and Opportunities” from 23 February, 2102, at Anthropology Lecture Hall No. 18.
Pondicherry university campus known for its floral diversity has lost majority of its tree cover due to the cyclone ‘Thane’. The storm damaged mostly huge trees with enormous girth, height and age. The horticultural...